Friday, 24 October 2008

WSFFL Rulebook - How to work out attendances

The first in a very occasional WSFFL rulebook series...

Each game in a WSFFL fixture series has an equation applied to it to determine the game's ranking.
The equation is;

(17-HT)x2 + (17-AT) = CF

HT = Home Team's position in table
AT = Away team's position in table
CF= Crowd Factor

Once the ranking (CF) is determined the top ranked match is given the highest Premier League attendance as its attendance, the second-ranked the second-highest and so on. In the event of any match rankings being equal the highest home team in the table will be given preference.

League matches take preference over Cup replays no matter what the CF ranking may be. The PCMT takes preference over the Charity Shield.

This weekend's top game is the Dead Parrots (in sixth) v The 22-Legged Groove Machine (in third) or;

(17-6)x2 + (17-3) = CF


22+14 = 36

League attendance money is divided 75/25 in favour of the home team. Cup attendance money is split 50/50. WSFFL spectators pay £12.50 for a 'ticket'.

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