Saturday, 31 December 2011

WSFFL Provisional Fixture List 2011/12

(Republished due to document fail of some sort)

League Week Number: 1, W/C 13 August 2011

Aardvark Abacus v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Athletico Phoenix v The Fabulous Artisans
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Mega Buck Bandits v Claymore Athletic FC
Real Muppets v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v York’s Returning Glory
The Cheese Makers v Final Fantasy XI
The Dead Parrots v Trusted By Millions

League Week Number: 2, W/C 20 August

Claymore Athletic FC v The Dead Parrots
Final Fantasy XI v Real Muppets
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Athletico Phoenix
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Cheese Makers
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans v San Dimas High School
York’s Returning Glory v Aardvark Abacus
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Trusted By Millions

League Week Number: 3, W/C 27 August
Aardvark Abacus v The Fabulous Artisans
Athletico Phoenix v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Mega Buck Bandits v Final Fantasy XI
Real Muppets v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
San Dimas High School v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cheese Makers v York’s Returning Glory
The Dead Parrots v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Trusted By Millions v Claymore Athletic FC

League Week Number: 4, W/C 10 September
Athletico Phoenix v San Dimas High School
Final Fantasy XI v The Dead Parrots
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Aardvark Abacus
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Mega Buck Bandits
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans v The Cheese Makers
York’s Returning Glory v Real Muppets
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Claymore Athletic FC
League Week Number: 5, W/C 17 September
Aardvark Abacus v Athletico Phoenix
Claymore Athletic FC v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Mega Buck Bandits v York’s Returning Glory
Real Muppets v The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cheese Makers v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Dead Parrots v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Trusted By Millions v Final Fantasy XI

League Week Number: 6, W/C 24 September

Athletico Phoenix v The Cheese Makers
Final Fantasy XI v Claymore Athletic FC
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Real Muppets
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Trusted By Millions
San Dimas High School v Aardvark Abacus
The Fabulous Artisans v Mega Buck Bandits
York’s Returning Glory v The Dead Parrots
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v The Cow-Faced Juniors

W/C 1 October: WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup First Round
League Week Number: 7, W/C 15 October

Aardvark Abacus v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Claymore Athletic FC v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Mega Buck Bandits v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Real Muppets v Athletico Phoenix
The Cheese Makers v San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Final Fantasy XI
The Dead Parrots v The Fabulous Artisans
Trusted By Millions v York’s Returning Glory
League Week Number: 8, W/C 22 October

Aardvark Abacus v The Cheese Makers
Athletico Phoenix v Mega Buck Bandits
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Dead Parrots
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v Trusted By Millions
York’s Returning Glory v Claymore Athletic FC
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Final Fantasy XI

League Week Number: 9, W/C 29 October

Claymore Athletic FC v The Fabulous Artisans
Final Fantasy XI v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Mega Buck Bandits v San Dimas High School
Real Muppets v Aardvark Abacus
The Cheese Makers v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors v York’s Returning Glory
The Dead Parrots v Athletico Phoenix
Trusted By Millions v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
W/C 5 November: WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup Quarter Finals

League Week Number: 10, W/C 19 November

Aardvark Abacus v Mega Buck Bandits
Athletico Phoenix v Trusted By Millions
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Claymore Athletic FC
San Dimas High School v The Dead Parrots
The Cheese Makers v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v The Cow-Faced Juniors
York’s Returning Glory v Final Fantasy XI
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
League Week Number: 11, W/C 26 November

Claymore Athletic FC v Athletico Phoenix
Final Fantasy XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Mega Buck Bandits v The Cheese Makers
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v York’s Returning Glory
Real Muppets v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Dead Parrots v Aardvark Abacus
Trusted By Millions v San Dimas High School
League Week Number: 12, W/C 3 December

Aardvark Abacus v Trusted By Millions
Athletico Phoenix v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Final Fantasy XI
Real Muppets v Mega Buck Bandits
San Dimas High School v Claymore Athletic FC
The Cheese Makers v The Dead Parrots
The Fabulous Artisans v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v York’s Returning Glory
10 December: WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup Semi Finals

League Week Number: 13, W/C 17 December

Claymore Athletic FC v Aardvark Abacus
Final Fantasy XI v Athletico Phoenix
Mega Buck Bandits v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cow-Faced Juniors v San Dimas High School
The Dead Parrots v Real Muppets
Trusted By Millions v The Cheese Makers
York’s Returning Glory v The Fabulous Artisans

20/21 December: Charity Shield Final

26 December; WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup Final

League Week Number: 14, W/C 31 December

Aardvark Abacus v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Athletico Phoenix v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v York’s Returning Glory
Mega Buck Bandits v The Dead Parrots
Real Muppets v Trusted By Millions
San Dimas High School v Final Fantasy XI
The Cheese Makers v Claymore Athletic FC
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v The Fabulous Artisans
League Week Number: 15, W/C 2 January 2012

Claymore Athletic FC v Real Muppets
Final Fantasy XI v Aardvark Abacus
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Cheese Makers
The Dead Parrots v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Fabulous Artisans v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Trusted By Millions v Mega Buck Bandits
York’s Returning Glory v Athletico Phoenix

W/C 7 January 2010: WSFFL FA Cup First Round

League Week Number: 16, W/C 14 January (Reverse Week 12)

Claymore Athletic FC v San Dimas High School
Final Fantasy XI v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Mega Buck Bandits v Real Muppets
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Fabulous Artisans
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Athletico Phoenix
The Dead Parrots v The Cheese Makers
Trusted By Millions v Aardvark Abacus
York’s Returning Glory v You Know Your Boston Rock FC

League Week Number: 17, W/C 21 January (reverse week 13)

Aardvark Abacus v Claymore Athletic FC
Athletico Phoenix v Final Fantasy XI
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Real Muppets v The Dead Parrots
San Dimas High School v The Cow-Faced Juniors
The Cheese Makers v Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans v York’s Returning Glory
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Mega Buck Bandits

Midweek 31 January/1 February: WSFFL FA Cup Quarter Finals

League Week Number: 18 W/C 4 February (Reverse Week 5)

Athletico Phoenix v Aardvark Abacus
Final Fantasy XI v Trusted By Millions
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Cheese Makers
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Dead Parrots
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Claymore Athletic FC
The Fabulous Artisans v Real Muppets
York’s Returning Glory v Mega Buck Bandits
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v San Dimas High School

League Week Number: 19, W/C 11 February (Reverse Week 10)

Claymore Athletic FC v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Final Fantasy XI v York’s Returning Glory
Mega Buck Bandits v Aardvark Abacus
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Real Muppets v The Cheese Makers
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Fabulous Artisans
The Dead Parrots v San Dimas High School
Trusted By Millions v Athletico Phoenix

League Week Number: 20, W/C 25 February (Reverse Week 4)

Aardvark Abacus v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Claymore Athletic FC v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Mega Buck Bandits v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Real Muppets v York’s Returning Glory
San Dimas High School v Athletico Phoenix
The Cheese Makers v The Fabulous Artisans
The Dead Parrots v Final Fantasy XI
Trusted By Millions v The Cow-Faced Juniors

League Week Number: 21, W/C 3 March (Reverse Week 9)

Aardvark Abacus v Real Muppets
Athletico Phoenix v The Dead Parrots
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Trusted By Millions
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Final Fantasy XI
San Dimas High School v Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans v Claymore Athletic FC
York’s Returning Glory v The Cow-Faced Juniors
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v The Cheese Makers

W/C 10 March: WSFFL FA Cup Semi Finals

League Week Number: 22, W/C 17 March (Reverse Week 1)

Claymore Athletic FC v Mega Buck Bandits
Final Fantasy XI v The Cheese Makers
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Aardvark Abacus
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v Athletico Phoenix
Trusted By Millions v The Dead Parrots
York’s Returning Glory v San Dimas High School
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

League Week Number: 23, W/C 24 March
(Reverse Week 8)

Claymore Athletic FC v York’s Returning Glory
Final Fantasy XI v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Mega Buck Bandits v Athletico Phoenix
Real Muppets v San Dimas High School
The Cheese Makers v Aardvark Abacus
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Dead Parrots v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Trusted By Millions v The Fabulous Artisans

League Week Number: 24, W/C 31 March (Reverse week 15)

Aardvark Abacus v Final Fantasy XI
Athletico Phoenix v York’s Returning Glory
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Mega Buck Bandits v Trusted By Millions
Real Muppets v Claymore Athletic FC
San Dimas High School v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Cheese Makers v The Cow-Faced Juniors
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v The Dead Parrots
League Week Number: 25, W/C 7 April  (Reverse Week 3)

Claymore Athletic FC v Trusted By Millions
Final Fantasy XI v Mega Buck Bandits
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v San Dimas High School
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Real Muppets
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Dead Parrots
The Fabulous Artisans v Aardvark Abacus
York’s Returning Glory v The Cheese Makers
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Athletico Phoenix

W/C 9 April: WSFFL FA Cup Final

League Week Number: 26, W/C 14 April (Reverse Week 2)

Aardvark Abacus v York’s Returning Glory
Athletico Phoenix v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Mega Buck Bandits v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Real Muppets v Final Fantasy XI
San Dimas High School v The Fabulous Artisans
The Cheese Makers v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Dead Parrots v Claymore Athletic FC
Trusted By Millions v You Know Your Boston Rock FC

League Week Number: 27, W/C 21 April (Reverse Week 7)

Athletico Phoenix v Real Muppets
Final Fantasy XI v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Mega Buck Bandits
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Claymore Athletic FC
San Dimas High School v The Cheese Makers
The Fabulous Artisans v The Dead Parrots
York’s Returning Glory v Trusted By Millions
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Aardvark Abacus

League Week Number: 28, W/C 28 April (Reverse Week 6)

Aardvark Abacus v San Dimas High School
Claymore Athletic FC v Final Fantasy XI
Mega Buck Bandits v The Fabulous Artisans
Real Muppets v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cheese Makers v Athletico Phoenix
The Cow-Faced Juniors v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Dead Parrots v York’s Returning Glory
Trusted By Millions v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

League Week Number: 29, W/C 5 May (reverse week 11)

Aardvark Abacus v The Dead Parrots
Athletico Phoenix v Claymore Athletic FC
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Trusted By Millions
The Cheese Makers v Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans v Final Fantasy XI
York’s Returning Glory v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Real Muppets

League Week Number: 30, Sunday 13 May (reverse week 14)
Claymore Athletic FC v The Cheese Makers
Final Fantasy XI v San Dimas High School
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Athletico Phoenix
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Aardvark Abacus
The Dead Parrots v Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans v You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Trusted By Millions v Real Muppets
York’s Returning Glory v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

Friday, 30 December 2011

Charity Shield - Where the donation went

Charity Shield winning manager Brian asked for the League's donation to go to Cancer Research UK.

Cancer Research UK are the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research and have saved millions of lives with their groundbreaking work into preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. Their vital work, funded entirely by the public, will help ensure that millions more people survive.

The following links may be of interest to you...

Support Cancer Research UK and help beat cancer - Ways to donate and how to get involved

Funding and Research - Find out about the different funding schemes, the world-class research and the future research strategy

About Cancer Research UK - Who they are, what they do and how they raise funds

Donate - in case you'd like to make your own contribution 

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

PCMT Final Result

Real Muppets 0

The Fabulous Artisans 4
Gervinho 8                
Baines 51p
Sorensen [c]
J.Collins [c]

(no cleans cancelled)

Real Muppets - Reina; Vermaelen, A.Cole, Koscielny, Agger; Meireles, Malouda, Gutierrez, Brunt; Agbonlahor, Sturridge  Subs - B.Jones; Lescott; McClean; Delfouneso

The Fabulous Artisans - Sorensen; Baines, J.Collins, King, Skrtel; Downing, Albrighton, Adam Johnson, Ireland; Balotelli, Gervinho  Subs - Begovic, Boyata, Shelvey, Hoilett

Wembley Stadium     Att: 90,000

Top of the league Fabulous Artisans were undoubted favourites going into their first final against the bottom-placed Muppets and it took just eight minutes for Ben's team to frank the form and open the scoring. Gervinho beat the Muppets' offside trap, rounded the 'keeper and found the corner to give his team the perfect start. The rest of the first half was fairly uneventful. The Muppets' Daniel Sturridge and Chris Brunt fired shots from distance narrowly wide while Mario Balotelli's deflected free-kick almost doubled the lead.

The Artisans' second goal came shortly after the break and in controversial circumstances. A penalty box tumble saw the referee point to the spot when TV replays showed there was no contact by any of the Muppets' defenders. Thomas Vermaelen earned himself a booking for the strength of his complaints but the delay didn't put off Leighton Baines whose penalty was emphatically blasted home. Ryan's team's feeling of injustice sprang them into action straight away, great work from Gabby Agbonlahor down the left saw him put a cross into the 'corridor of uncertainty' and the Muppets' attack was only thwarted by Thomas Sorensen sticking out a leg.

A couple of minutes later Balotelli almost put the game beyond doubt but his 30-yard effort came back off the bar. After that it was all the Muppets. Sturridge, Vermaelen, Raul Meiereles and Thomas Vermaelen were all denied by excellent goalkeeping and even in injury time Daniel Agger saw his goalbound header hacked off the Artisans' goal line. That was the last action and a couple of cleans for Ben's side put a slightly unjust slant on the scoreline. The Goddard Stadium fans won't be worried about that when the open top bus drives around Old Town with the trophy on display.

Monday, 26 December 2011

PCMT Final - The teams

The Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy Final teams are as follows:

Real Muppets
Reina; Vermaelen, A.Cole, Koscielny, Agger; Meireles, Malouda, Gutierrez, Brunt; Agbonlahor, Sturridge

Subs - B.Jones; Lescott; McClean; Delfouneso

The Fabulous Artisans
Sorensen; Baines, J.Collins, King, Skrtel; Downing, Albrighton, Adam Johnson, Ireland; Balotelli, Gervinho

Subs - Begovic, Boyata, Shelvey, Hoilett

PCMT Final - The Contenders

Real Muppets

Current League Position: 16th

Route to the Final;
1st Round - 6-1 v Mega Buck Bandits
Quarter-Final - 2-1 v Trusted By Millions
Semi-Final - 4-2 v You Know Your Boston Rock FC

Recent League Results;
Week 13 - 1-1 v The Dead Parrots
Week 12 - 4-4 v Mega Buck Bandits
Week 11 - 2-4 v You Know Your Boston Rock FC

The Fabulous Artisans

Current League Position: 1st

Route to the Final;
1st Round - 4-1 v York's Returning Glory
Quarter-Final - 3-1 v Claymore Athletic FC (after 0-0 draw)
Semi-Final - 4-2 v Fred West LG XI

Recent League Results;
Week 13 - 1-2 v York's Returning Glory
Week 12 - 4-1 v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Week 11 - 1-2 v Final Fantasy XI

Recent meetings between the teams;

Week 5 2011/12 - Real Muppets 1 The Fabulous Artisans 4
Week 26 2010/11 - Real Muppets 1 The Fabulous Artisans 4
PCMT QF 2010/11 - The Fabulous Artisans 3 Real Muppets 2
Week 2 2010/11 - The Fabulous Artisans 0 Real Muppets 5
Week 17 2009/10 - The Fabulous Artisans 1 Real Muppets 2
Week 13 2009/10 - Real Muppets 0 The Fabulous Artisans 1
Week 19 2008/09 - The Fabulous Artisans 1 Real Muppets1
Week 3 2008/09 - Real Muppets 2 The Fabulous Artisans 2

Saturday, 24 December 2011

FA Cup 1st Round draw

The draw for the WSFFL FA Cup 1st Round has been made. Here how the names came out.

Aardvark Abacus v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Athletico Phoenix v Claymore Athletic FC
Final Fantasy XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
San Dimas High School v Real Muppets
Trusted By Millions v The Dead Parrots
York's Returning Glory v Mega Buck Bandits
You Know Your Boston Rock FCv The Cheese Makers

San Dimas' defence of the Cup starts against the Muppets who may be the PCMT holders by then.

The games to be played w/c 6 January

Friday, 23 December 2011

Charity Shield Final Result

Athletico Phoenix 4
van Persie 17p              
Bendtner 19
Lindegaard [c]
Neville [c]

Mega Buck Bandits 0

(no cleans cancelled)

Athletico Phoenix: Lindegaard; Neville, Mertersacker, Gallas, Williams; Morrison, Rosicky, Gomez, Romeu; van Persie, Bendtner        Subs: Friedel; Knight; Dunn; Klasnic

Mega Buck Bandits: Kuszczak; Santos, Martin, Ward, R.Taylor; Richardson, Jarvis, Valencia, Adam; S.Fletcher, Morison        Subs: Ruddy; Monk; Vukcevic; Dobbie

St. James' Park hosted the WSFFL's first Charity Shield Final and 51,060 turned out to see the game between one of the best teams of 2011 in Athletico Phoenix and one of the... less good in Mega Buck Bandits.

A lot of Brian's success in the league this year has been through Robin van Persie so it was no surprise to see the Dutchman open the scoring on 17 minutes. The goal came from a penalty after a handball in the Mega Bucks box with the striker making no mistake. It took only two minutes for the Phoenix lead to be doubled. Nicklas Bendtner hasn't always seen eye to eye with his manager but he headed home from a corner to make sure he's on Brian's Christmas card list.

The next significant action came after half-time. Dave had got into his under-performing side in the interval and six minutes later they were thrown a lifeline when they were awarded a penalty. Charlie Adam has been Dave's deadball expert but struck his spot-kick too close to the keeper and the chance to get back into the game was gone. This warning to the Phoenix led them to tighten up and retain the ball and make sure the clock wound down without further alarm. A couple of cleans put a gloss on the result and confirmed that a first trophy would be heading to Kingham Park.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Week 13 Results

Further setbacks for the top two means the chasing pack are closing in.

Claymore Athletic FC 2 v 1 Aardvark Abacus
Final Fantasy XI 0 v 3 Athletico Phoenix
Mega Buck Bandits 0 v 3 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 0 v 1 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cow-Faced Juniors 1 v 3 San Dimas High School
The Dead Parrots 1 v 1 Real Muppets
Trusted By Millions 0 v 2 The Cheese Makers
York’s Returning Glory 2 v 1 The Fabulous Artisans

Ben will be kicking himself after missing the opportunity to go six points clear. The Artisans were ahead against York's through a Martin Skrtel header but Peter Crouch and then a Phillippe Senderos clean gave Julian the points. One eye on the PCMT Final by the Artisans perhaps. Ben's missed opportunity came because Trusted were beaten too. Beef's team were out-cleaned by The Cheese Makers. Matthew's team now in fourth.

There's quite a logjam in the table with just six points separating 2nd and 10th. Our reigning champions Fred West are third, David Silva bagging the only goal in the win over Nil Satis. Charity Shield finalists Athletico Phoenix are fifth after beating Final Fantasy 3-0. A sweet strike from James Morrison opened the scoring and Brian's new signing Jordi Gomez pounced on a 'keeping mistake late on to make it two.

Claymore beat the Aardvarks 2-1 to move above them in the table. Wayne Rooney opened the scoring in fifty-odd seconds but it was Leon Osman, who doesn't get many, who flicked home the winner for Clive. Boston Rock boss Sheriff was looking for a reaction from his team after his PCMT exit and he got one, from his defence anyway. His team scored three clean sheets to beat Mega Bucks and Boston Rock round out the top half. Dave will hope his players have kept something back for the Charity Shield Final.

San Dimas leapfrogged the CFJs after beating those opponents, Peter Odemwingie re-proving his worth with a goal after a quiet time. Real Muppets will go into the PCMT as our bottom-placed team. Ryan was in front on the hour through Daniel Sturridge but John Arne Riise got the equalising clean for Dean.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy semi-final results

Boston Rock's incredible four-season winning streak in this competition is brought to a halt.

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 2 v 4 The Fabulous Artisans
Real Muppets 4 v 2 You Know Your Boston Rock FC

We have to start with the exit of Boston Rock. After four years and 20-something games unbeaten in this competition Sheriff's PCMT reign comes to an end. The Muppets may be propping up the league but had shown signs of stirring in the last couple of weeks. Ryan's team took a first-half lead when Raum Meireles timed his run perfectly to arrive on the end of Daniel Sturridge's cross and volley home. Scott Sinclair had Boston Rock back on terms 11 minutes into the second half when his shot was deflected home. The game burst into life again on 82 minutes when Thomas Vermaelen left the field with a clean sheet before Frank Lampard notched a second equaliser from the spot. Two Muppets own goals had settled the league match between these sides a couple of weeks ago but it was two cleans from Ryan's team this time that settled the match in his favour. Laurent Koscielny and Daniel Agger will be the men whose names are recorded as ending Sheriff's incredible PCMT run.

The other semi took a similar pattern. Fred had lost Lucas Leiva and Nemanja Vidic to season-ending injuries and the defender's loss was felt as early as the second minute when Mario Balotelli beat the offside trap, rounded the keeper and calmly rolled the ball home. The Italian showing no after effects from his curfew-breaking curry and rolling-pin swordfight. Fred was level 15 minutes later when Nani cut in from the left and scored with a low shot. The Artisans were ahead again before the break when Marc Albrighton steered home a cross from the left from close range. Nani levelled again on 56 minutes when he converted from six yards but the turning point came eight minutes before the end when Younes Kaboul saw red for Fred for a second booking. Ben's team proved too strong and cleans from Martin Skrtel and Johan Djorou put him into his first WSFFL final.

Charity Shield semi-final results

Two teams unused to playing for silverware get the first crack at the Charity Shield.

Aardvark Abacus 1 v 3 Athletico Phoenix
San Dimas High School 1 v 2 Mega Buck Bandits

The Aardvarks v Phoenix fixture was the last to be played at the historic 'Rosebery Bowl'. Maybe the emotion of the occasion got to Ady's players who were outplayed by Brian's team. All the action came in the second half. Ivan Klasnic opened the scoring for Athletico on 55 minutes when hehooked in after a penalty box scramble. The lead only lasted seven minutes before Luka Modric was upended in the box and Emanuel Adebayor converted the penalty. Eight minutes later Robin van Persie dropped off Phil Jagielka's shoulder and created enough space for a stunning volley that went on off the far post. Per Mertersacker is Brian's record signing who hasn't really lived up to that tag so far but his clean sheet finished the tie.

Mega Bucks let a lead slip last week but made no mistake against San Dimas. Both Dave's goals came from headers in the first 20 minutes of the second half. Steven Fletcher outjumped the San Dimas defence straight after the break and Steve Morison was unmarked when he powered his goal in from 12 yards. The FA Cup holders picked up a clean from Neil Taylor to reduce the deficit but could not deprive the Mega Bucks from their first ever final.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 12 Results

The top two back on the winning trail.

Aardvark Abacus 0 v 1 Trusted By Millions
Athletico Phoenix 1 v 4 The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 3 v 1 Final Fantasy XI
Real Muppets 4 v 4 Mega Buck Bandits
San Dimas High School 1 v 2 Claymore Athletic FC
The Cheese Makers 3 v 4 The Dead Parrots
The Fabulous Artisans 4 v 1 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 1 v 1 York’s Returning Glory

I'm going to break with tradition and start at the bottom of the table because we had a bonkers basement battle between the Mega Bucks and the Muppets. The only goal of the first half was Thomas Vermaelen's header for the Muppets on the half hour, it was after the break when things heated up. Kieron Richardson got the equaliser on 52 minutes and a quickfire double from Steven Fletcher plus one from Steve Morison in the space of eight minutes had Dave 4-1 to the good with nine minutes left. A Daniel Sturridge breakaway goal on 90 minutes reduced the deficit and then two Muppets cleans from Cole and Koscielny meant it finished honours even and it's 'as you were' at the bottom of the table. I wouldn't fancy playing either of these teams in the cup next week...D'oh!

To the top then. It looks a routine win but leaders the Artisans left it late to beat Nil Satis. Paul was ahead from a long-range Mikel Arteta effort and Ben wasn't level until the 74th minute when Thomas Sorensen bagged a clean and a bit of concussion. A deliberately shouldered in goal from Mario Balotelli and a low drive Adam Johnson in the last three minutes were added to by a clean from Asmir Begovic. A rare occasion when a manager bags cleans from both keepers. Trusted are still in hot pursuit after beating other title hopefuls the Aardvarks 1-0. Beef had an early setback with Gary Cahill's surprise sending-off but two minutes later defender/midfielder Phil Jones arrived in the six yard box to volley in the only goal.

Fred West are in third after victory over Final Fantasy. Didier Drogba's neck-muscle bending header had been equalised by Yaya Toure so it was cleans from Kaboul and Vidic that got Fred home. The Cheese Makers are fifth after a 4-3 defeat to Yakubu, I mean the Dead Parrots. The move down under has done wonders for The Yak who has moved on to eight for the season after this four-timer. That's more than the last three seasons combined and brought a welcome win for Dean who had fallen into the clutches of the foot of the table. A second successive win for the CFJs brought a second straight defeat for the Phoenix. Controversial former Phoenix defender Gareth Bale opened the scoring on seven minutes with an improvised flick from a corner and Aaron Lennon and a Wayne Hennessey penalty save had the CFJs three up before Robin van Persie bagged his customary goal. Clint Dempsey nipped in five minutes from time to end hopes of a Phoenix renaissance.

Claymore are back in the top half after edging out San Dimas. Heidar Helguson opened the scoring for me with a textbook header but that was cancelled out by Sergio Aguero's poke through a forest of legs 12 minutes later. Last season's Player of the Year Branislav Ivanovic was credited with the winning clean. The Boston Rock charge was part-halted by York's in a 1-1 draw. Samir Nasri opened the scoring for Julian when his free-kick eluded the Boston Rock rearguard. The lead lasted less than ten minutes before Jermain Defoe levelled.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Charity Shield semi-final draw

Aardvark Abacus v Athletico Phoenix
San Dimas High School v Mega Buck Bandits

These matches to be played the weekend of 10th December.

The Aardvarks handed out a 6-1 beating to Athletico in week five so must be favourites for the competition. San Dimas are one of just two league victims of Mega Bucks so far this season. Dave's team a 3-2 winner in week nine.

Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy semi-final draw

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Real Muppets v You Know Your Boston Rock FC

These matches to be played the weekend of 10th December.

The Muppets will hope not to score two own goals as in their league defeat last week. Fred and the Artisans aren't due to meet in the league until week 15.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Week 11 Results

Only one of the top five manage a win this week.

Claymore Athletic FC 3 v 0 Athletico Phoenix
Final Fantasy XI 2 v 1 The Fabulous Artisans
Mega Buck Bandits 1 v 3 The Cheese Makers
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 3 v 2 York’s Returning Glory
Real Muppets 2 v 4 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors 2 v 0 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Dead Parrots 0 v 3 Aardvark Abacus
Trusted By Millions 1 v 1 San Dimas High School

Does anyone else love weeks like this where many of the top several are left with their tails between their legs? The Fabulous Artisans had won six league games in a row but were humbled by Final Fantasy. Seb Larsson smashed Ceri ahead on eight minutes after a goalkeeping fumble and a controversial penalty award allowed Demba Ba to make it two just after the hour. Ben's hopes of getting something out of the game were damaged by Mario Balotelli's red card which meant the Leighton Baines clean was just a consolation. Ben's lead is three points as Trusted were held by San Dimas. An early sending off for David Wheater put my team on the back foot. A lucky ricochet off Javier Hernandez just after the break looked like giving Beef the points but Neil Taylor's clean got me something out of the game.

The Aardvarks are up to third after brushing aside the Parrots 3-0. Two more for Emanuel Adebayor putting him on seven for the season. It's six defeats in a row in all competitions for Dean's team. The Cheese Makers have Caerphilly made their way back up the table after a confident win over struggling Mega Bucks. Dave's team took the lead on 14 minutes when Russell Martin hooked in from a corner but goals either side of half time from Juan Mata and Marouane Fellaini turned the game in Matthew's favour and Franco Di Santo came off the bench to round off the win in injury time.

Athletico Phoenix and Fred West suffered setbacks after their recent good runs. Brian's team went down at Claymore. Youssuf Mulumbu opened the scoring with a glancing header on 10 minutes and with Robin van Persie shackled by Clive's defence cleans from Branislav Ivanovic and David Luiz gave the score a lop-sided look. The CFJs had picked up only one win in 11 attempts but had too much for Fred this week. Grant Holt was on as sub for the injured Danny Graham when he bundled Chris ahead on 73 points and another quiet outing from Fernando Torres meant Chris could confirm the win with a Richard Dunne clean.

The Muppets are making life difficult for themselves at the bottom. Two own goals were the difference in a 4-2 defeat to Boston Rock. It was four minutes after Daniel Sturridge had cancelled out John Terry's opener that Joleon Lescott deflected a shot in put Sheriff ahead. Half an hour later it was 3-1 when Thomas Vermaelen slid an attempted clearance into the far corner of his own net. Boston Rock are now seventh and only eight points behind the Artisans. Three cleans gave Nil Satis their first win since September. Luke Young and Peter Crouch had York's 2-0 ahead before Paul's clean sheet onslaught meaning it's seven defeats out of eight for Julian.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

League Week 10 and PCMT QF Replay Results

League Week Number: 10, W/C 19 November

Aardvark Abacus 4 v 1 Mega Buck Bandits
Athletico Phoenix 3 v 2 Trusted By Millions
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 3 v 1 Claymore Athletic FC
San Dimas High School 4 v 2 The Dead Parrots
The Cheese Makers 2 v 1 Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans 3 v 0 The Cow-Faced Juniors
York’s Returning Glory 2 v 4 Final Fantasy XI
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 2 v 0 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Here we are then, a third of the way through the league season. You'd think some patterns might be emerging by now. Ben will hope so as his Artisans are four points clear at the top. They did the business with a comfortable 3-0 win over the CFJs with the goals coming in identical circumstances to the PCMT semi-final win. Chris, more than most, will be after a striker when the transfer window opens. The gap is increased because Trusted suffered only their second league defeat at Athletico Phoenix. Javier Hernandez opened the scoring for Beef but guess who scored for Brian? That's right Ivan Klasnic who got the equaliser from the spot. Robin van Persie got another two to make it 3-1 and although Ryan Shawcross pulled one back the Phoenix hung on and are now only a point behind Trusted in third.

Fairly routine wins from the teams in fourth and fifth. Fred West did need three cleans to overcome Claymore who had taken the lead through Sergio Aguero's 10th in the league. The champions are warming to the task of defending their title while in contrast Clive's team, who were sweeping teams away in a tide of goals in the early part of the season are down to eleventh. Ady showed Dave no mercy in the battle of the Bevan Brothers. The revitalised Emmanuel Adebayor struck twice before half-time and Phil Jagielka added a thumping header to ensure that the Aardvarks shocking defending that let in Steve Morison was forgotten.

Matthew's Cheese Makers have struggled recently after a great opening month and he was delighted to be back to winning ways when Brede Hangeland and Benoit Assou-Ekotto got the cleans to beat the rock bottom Muppets. Ryan's team had taken the lead through Danny Sturridge but like the CFJs they'll be in the market for more fire power if they can offload Carlos Tevez. San Dimas make one of their occasional excursions into the top half with a 4-2 win over the Parrots. Yakubu got both Dean's goals against his former club but I'd plucked Heidar Helguson from the obscurity of the pool and he also struck twice. A Stephen Hunt penalty and Kyle Walker clean brought me the points.

Final Fantasy were also 4-2 winners, at York's. This one was settled by clean sheets from Mark Schwarzer and Angel Rangel from the bench after four goals were shared and has put Ceri into the top ten. Boston Rock are up to ninth after notching a third straight league win. Sheriff's team saw off Nil Satis with goals at the end of either half. Micah Richards profited from some poor defending on 44 minutes while Glen Johnson finished things off after 87.
plus PCMT QF Replay

The Fabulous Artisans 3 v 1 Claymore Athletic FC

The league-leading Artisans complete the PCMT final four after a controversial win over Claymore. Mario Balotelli's supercool penalty had Ben one up at the break but things went crazy in the last half-hour. Junior Hoilett nodded in from close range to double the lead but the quickly taken corner that led to the goal was shown by TV footage to be well... completely illegal! Clive recovered from this setback and Sergio Aguero pulled one back from the spot after his marauding fullback had gone to ground perhaps a tad too easily. There was still one penalty to come and Leighton Baines confirmed the Artisans victory after a push by the Claymore defence. The semis of both of our Cup competitions are set for 10th December so I'll get the draw done over the next week.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

New faces at San Dimas

San Dimas High School boss Peej has been busy in the market as we spring back into league action.

Midfielder Joe Allen has joined from Swansea while the High School's attacking options have been bolstered by QPR's Heidar Helguson. Injury woes have struck the San Dimas keepers this season so Kieren Westwood has been added to the ranks too

The three players leaving are Connor Sammon, Sylvain Marveaux and Haris Vuckic. San Dimas wish thems all the best in the future WSFFL careers.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Consolation Cup quarter-final results

Mega Bucks beating the CFJs perhaps the biggest shock here but it's hardly seismic.

Aardvark Abacus 3 v 1 The Cheese Makers
Athletico Phoenix 4 v 1 York's Returning Glory
Mega Buck Bandits 3 v 2 The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School 3 v 1 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

The Abacus are having a bit of a patchy campaign but have picked up a good signing in Anthony Pilkington who curled in an unstoppable free-kick against the Cheese Makers on 25 minutes. Jamie O' Hara slammed an equaliser shortly afterwards but Abacus cleans from Szczesny and Alex settled the tie. The Phoenix are flying high in the league and nearing a Cup Final too. Robin van Persie rammed home a rebound to put Brian ahead although a thumping header from Jay Bothroyd restored parity for York's shortly after. Ben Watson struck through a penalty rebound to restore Brian's lead before half-time and cleans from Lindegaard and Jenkinson put a gloss on the result.

Best Consolation Cup game of the week (or ever if you look at it like that!) saw Mega Bucks edge out the CFJs. Chris's team had led twice through Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon but Ryan Taylor's superb strike from outside the box and Steven Ward's one from closer range left the game at 2-2 and then Steven Morison squeezed home a back-post headerto win the game for Dave. Last team through to the semis are San Dimas who got a helping hand when Nil Satis defender Johnny Heitinga poked into his own net early doors. Jack Rodwell escaped from his marker to score a near-post header just before the break and although Mikel Arteta pulled one back for Paul, David Wheater's clean made the game safe.

PCMT Quarter-final results

Can anyone stop Boston Rock in this competition?

Claymore Athletic FC 0 v 0 The Fabulous Artisans
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 3 v 1 The Dead Parrots
Trusted By Millions 1 v 2 Real Muppets
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 7 v 1 Final Fantasy XI

Boston Rock are two wins away from a fifth PCMT in a row after their demolition of Final Fantasy. Chris Eagles and Darren Bent were the headline makers with two goals each but I had to admire Frank Lampard's goal which was one of the lowest headers you'll see. My goal of the week award goes to David Silva who scored Fred's goal in the win over the Parrots. The way he plays the ball into his own path taking two defenders out of the game is a joy to behold. Fred still needed a couple of cleans to see off Dean after an unlucky deflection off Younes Kaboul leveled the scores.

Real Muppets might be at the foot of the league but a win over Trusted could do Ryan's team the world of good. Beef went ahead just before the break through Edin Dzeko but a defensive error let in Gaby Agbonlahor to equalise not long after the re-start. A Laurent Koscielny clean was the ultimate difference between the two teams. The Claymore/Artisans game was a cagey affair but a fit Hugo Rodallega might have settled it in Ben's favour rather than miss a few good chances. 

Monday, 31 October 2011

Week 9 Results

The top two continue on their merry way but five of the bottom six all win to really compact the table.

Claymore Athletic FC 1 v 3 The Fabulous Artisans
Final Fantasy XI 5 v 0 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Mega Buck Bandits 3 v 2 San Dimas High School
Real Muppets 2 v 0 Aardvark Abacus
The Cheese Makers 1 v 4 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors 7 v 3 York’s Returning Glory
The Dead Parrots 1 v 3 Athletico Phoenix
Trusted By Millions 3 v 2 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

The Artisans will hold the top spot through the Cup weekend and then the international break. Clive must have thought he'd grabbed a share of the points as the Artisans defence backed away from Moussa Dembele and allowed him to shoot home with three minutes left but Adam Johnson's stoppage time goal and Martin Skrtel's clean keep Ben's team on the top of the pile. Trusted remain a single point behind after beating Fred by the odd goal in five. Hernandez 19th minute opener was equalised by Rafael van der Vaart, Edin Dzeko put Beef in front again but Alex Kolarov got Fred back on terms for a second time. This match also appeared to be drifting to a draw but Stephane Sessegnon was Beef's unlikely hero, heading home with a minute left.

There's a four point gap from second to third and that third-placed team is...Athletico Phoenix. Brian has hit these giddy heights on the back of Robin van Persie being the first player to 10 goals this season. A hat-trick from the dutchman too much for the Parrots this week, an industrial order of cotton wool has been delivered to Kingham to keep RVP wrapped up between games. Another lacklustre performance from the Aardvarks hold them back from a run on the top two. Two cleans brought a welcome win for the Muppets who are struggling to deal with the Carlos Tevez fallout. Ryan's team are still bottom but are only five points off the top half.

The CFJs hadn't won since week one but exploded this week and put seven past York's. With eight minutes to go it was balanced at 4-3 but Richard Dunne, Danny Graham (who'd also scored at the other end) and Grant Holt finished the job for Chris. Boston Rock are off and running now with a second straight win. This week's victims were the Cheese Makers with Juan Mata getting his first goal for Matthew after old stagers Terry and Lampard plus young guns Carroll and Sinclair had scored for Sheriff.

Mega Bucks picked up their second win of the season by holding off a San Dimas fight back. Dave was 3-0 to the good eight minutes into the second half and despite Theo Walcott and Stephen Hunt pulling goals back for me it wasn't enough. Our second hat-trick hero of the week was Demba Ba for Final Fantasy. Ceri's team put Nil Satis to the sword with two clean sheets added to Ba's contribution (the Frenchman is up to seven for the season). Paul had only conceded 11 times before this match and now only has Ryan below him.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Week 8 Results

The Artisans were fabulous and are our new leaders...

Aardvark Abacus 0 v 2 The Cheese Makers
Athletico Phoenix 3 v 0 Mega Buck Bandits
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 3 v 0 The Dead Parrots
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 2 v 2 The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School 3 v 1 Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans 4 v 1 Trusted By Millions
York’s Returning Glory 4 v 2 Claymore Athletic FC
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 2 v 0 Final Fantasy XI

The Fabulous Artisans take over at the top for the first time since week 13 in the 2009/10 season. Ben's team were two up inside 27 minutes thanks to Mario Balotelli's slide-rule finish from the edge of the area and Gervinho springing the Trusted offside and scoring from close range. Dedryk Boyata had added a clean and Balotelli a second goal before Stephane Sessegnon got Trusted's consolation. Beef left Edin Dzeko out this week but will be thankful it didn't make a difference to the result. Fred's up to third and getting a sniff of back-to-back titles after dismissing the Parrots 3-0. Rafael van der Vaart struck twice and the little genius that is David Silva got the third.

The Aardvarks lost a small bit of ground with a disappointing performance against the Cheese Makers. Matthew's team left it late but Jamie O'Hara's goal and Tim Krul's clean put his side back in the right direction after four straight defeats in all competitions. York's had lost three in a row but QPR cleans gave him a victory over Claymore. Peter Crouch's tap-in and Craig Bellamy's strike came either side of Jonas Olsson's header for Clive. Sergio Aguero slid in his ninth of the season with 20 minutes to go to level the scores but Luke Young and Anton Ferdinand cleans gave Julian the win.

Mega Buck Bandits kept Athletico Phoenix quiet until late on but Robin van Persie scored another brace from close range and an unmarked Nicklas Bendtner rounded out the 3-0 win as time ran out. San Dimas left it late as well to add to the Muppets' woes. Paul Scharner reacted first to a knockdown from a corner to fire me ahead just before the hour but Darren Fletcher hit one of the goals of the week with ten minutes to go to square the match. Jack Rodwell's long range grubber on 90 minutes and a Simon Mignolet clean gave me the points and keep the Muppets bottom.

Boston Rock have a win though. It wasn't Sheriff's most convincing performance and Final Fantasy were only behind to Darren Bent's early penalty for much of the game but Steven Taylor's clean finished the match in Boston Rock's favour. (He's only 11 points behind!) The  CFJs haven't picked up a win since week one and Chris was held by Nil Satis this week. Chris was two up inside half an hour through Danny Graham and Mauro Formica and must have thought he was laughing all the way to three points when Bobby Zamora blazed wide on 89 minutes. He wasn't laughing when Louis Saha pulled one back a minute later and John O'Shea got the equalising clean.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Consolation Cup Quarter-final draw

Our first ever Consolation Cup draw. Here's how my colleagues (see the PCMT draw) pulled out the names.

Aardvark Abacus v The Cheese Makers
Athletico Phoenix v York's Returning Glory
Mega Buck Bandits v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Mathew's Cheese Makers the unlucky team that drew the tournament favourite Aardvarks.

PCMT Quarter-final draw

It was a trip into work for the yellow bag with my colleague Ewan (home teams) and Simon (away) doing the honours.

Claymore Athletic FC v The Fabulous Artisans
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Dead Parrots
Trusted By Millions v Real Muppets
You Know Your Boston Rock FC v Final Fantasy XI

Sheriff must be pleased with Boston Rock's draw as his team bids for five in a row but we'll know more about the teams' respective strengths after this week's league match between the sides.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Week 7 and PCMT 1st Round replay results

League Week Number: 7, W/C 15 October

Aardvark Abacus 4 v 4 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Claymore Athletic FC 1 v 0 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Mega Buck Bandits 1 v 1 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Real Muppets 2 v 2 Athletico Phoenix
The Cheese Makers 0 v 2 San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors 2 v 2 Final Fantasy XI
The Dead Parrots 1 v 4 The Fabulous Artisans
Trusted By Millions 4 v 0 York’s Returning Glory

Trusted stay unbeaten and got back to their fluent ways against York's. Beef's team took an hour to break down their opponents but Ramires bundled them ahead and the returning Steven Gerrard struck a free-kick through a flaky wall seven minutes later to double the lead. Julian's previously tight defence then caved in to a Hernandez goal and Shawcross clean. The Fabulous Artisans have quietly climbed to second and despatched the Parrots 4-1. Mario Balotelli scored an instinctive overhead kick top open the scoring and Adam Johnson struck just after half-time after a Steven Warnock error. Warnock pulled one back for Dean but two cleans saw Ben out of sight.

Aardvark Abacus are third after a high-scoring draw with Boston Rock. Anthony Pilkington struck for Ady in the first minute but John Terry's header levelled the game just before the break. Then the fun started. Vincent Kompany and Pilkington again made it 3-1 while the Boston fightback came from smart finished from Jermain Defoe and James Milner. Sheriff thought he'd picked up his first win when Chris Eagles struck on 90 minutes but the celebrations were short-lived as Matthew Upson's clean meant it finished 4-4.  Claymore had been banging them in so far this season but in a low-key Evertonian derby the only score was a Jonas Olsson clean in Clive's favour.

Fred West seemed to had got things rolling recently but tripped up against Mega Bucks. Dave was ahead on 10 minutes through Russell Martin but a Rafael Van der Vaart spot-kick completed the scoring in this one five minutes before half-time. The Cheese Makers have found it tougher going after a great start and despite Juan Mata turning San Dimas inside out there was no one to supply the finish. San Dimas won the game in three second-half minutes thanks to Ali Al-Habsi's saved penalty and Peter Odemwingie's shot on the turn.

It's another week without a win for the bottom-place Muppets too. Athletico Phoenix were ahead through Robin van Persie in 28 seconds but Chris Brunt and an unmarked Danny Sturridge had Ryan in front on 31 minutes. It was that man van Persie with an exquisite free-kick eight minutes from time that grabbed a point for Brian. The CFJs must have thought they were on there way to a revenge win over Final Fantasy when Chris Samba's header put them two up in 24 minutes. Ceri's team are proving tough to be beat and Seb Larsson's brilliant set-piece and then the bargain that is Demba Ba made 2-2 and that's how it finished.

PCMT 1st Round Replay

Trusted By Millions 4 v 2 San Dimas High School

Javier Hernandez stole into a static San Dimas defence to head the goal to break the deadlock between these sides and Ryan Shawcross finished the match with a clean. Trusted are the last team into the PCMT Quarters, my team get a chance to become the first Consolation Cup winners. I'll get the draws done before our next league matches get under way.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy 1st Round Results

Athletico Phoenix 2 v 3 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Final Fantasy XI 6 v 3 The Cow-Faced Juniors
Mega Buck Bandits 1 v 6 Real Muppets
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 4 v 6 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
San Dimas High School 1 v 1 Trusted By Millions
The Cheese Makers 1 v 2 Claymore Athletic
The Dead Parrots 4 v 0 Aardvark Abacus
York's Returning Glory 1 v 4 The Fabulous Artisans

Perhaps Sheriff should tell his team it's the PCMT every week! Boston Rock have yet to pick up a league victory but turned on the style and stretched their unbeaten run in this competition to 20 matches (by my reckoning). Star of the show this week was hat-trick scoring Frank Lampard in a 'I told you not to write me off' kind of way. Nil Satis put up a late fight but left it too late, mounting a stirring comeback from 6-1 behind. After three straight years of a Boston Rock v Aardvark final that won't be happening this time round. Ady's team were battered 4-0 by the Dead Parrots and fail to make it past the first round for the first time since 2004.

Dean's Parrots were one of only two teams from last season's bottom half to knock out higher-placed opponents. The others were the in form Final Fantasy who put six past the CFJs. Andy (Andrew) Johnson was Ceri's hat-trick hero and cleans from Enrique and Schwarzer snuffed out Chris's comeback and put Final Fantasy in the quarters for the first time in five seasons. Bottom of the table Real Muppets were our other six-hitters this week against Mega Bucks. Dave's team have effectively become a bye in this competition, not winning a game since 2002. Ryan's Muppets will hope that their season starts here.

Athletico Phoenix (in all their various guises) are another team that have struggled with this competition, winning just one tie since we went to a 16-team league. Brian was one the way to breaking that hoodoo mid-way through the first half through goals from Morrison and Bendtner but van der Vaart pulled one back for Fred before the break and then won the game with a late Danny Welbeck goal and a Kolarov clean. The Cheese Makers were another team to take an early lead but finish on the unhappy side of the result. Shane Long looked to have given Matthew the half-time advantage but Tim Howard's saved penalty equalised for Claymore and Jonny Evans registered the winning clean.

York's' great start to the season came crashing to a halt at the hands of the Artisans. Samir Nasri gave Julian hope after Adam Johnson and Mario Balotelli had Ben two up on the hour but two more Artisans cleans made the score look lop-sided. One game goes to a replay this week - Trusted are still unbeaten this season but needed a clean sheet to rescue a draw after Kyle Walker had smacked one in for San Dimas from long range

Monday, 26 September 2011

Week 6 Results

Trusted stay top but Fred and the Aardvarks are making their moves.

Athletico Phoenix 2 v 0 The Cheese Makers
Final Fantasy XI 3 v 2 Claymore Athletic FC
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 4 v 1 Real Muppets
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 0 v 0 Trusted By Millions
San Dimas High School 0 v 1 Aardvark Abacus
The Fabulous Artisans 2 v 1 Mega Buck Bandits
York’s Returning Glory 1 v 2 The Dead Parrots
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 2 v 2 The Cow-Faced Juniors

Because of the PCMT and international break we won't be in league action until October 15th. Which is a bit of a shame because we've got an exciting-looking league table on our hands. Trusted stay top but drew for the second week running. Javier Hernandez limped off after 11 minutes and after that there was no sign of Beef's team breaching a determined Nil Satis rearguard. Trusted are the last unbeaten team in the league after York's fell to the Parrots. Peter Crouch battered a header home early in the second half for Julian but couldn't kill the game off and ultimately went down to Hart and Riise cleans for Dean.

It's the Aardvarks that are up to third after notching their third straight win. It wasn't much of a match against San Dimas with a Vincent Kompany clean the only item on the scoresheet but Ady won't mind how the points come. The Artisans have arrived in third place without anyone really noticing. Ben's team did go a goal down to Mega Bucks but Mario Balotelli's deflected shot and a Kieran Gibbs clean got the Artisans their fourth win of the campaign.

Biggest scorers of the week were our defending champions. Fred's team were 3-0 up against the Muppets inside half an hour, Rafael van der Vaart, Nani and Fernando Torres all finding the target. Torres' red card for a reckless lunge before half-time should have given Ryan's team some momentum but Alex Song made it four for Fred in the last knockings of the game. Despite Joleon Lescott's clean the Muppets fall to the bottom of the table (can you believe it?) on goals scored. Ryan's loss is Sheriff's gain as Boston Rock climb a place. It was only draw for the 'Sky Heroes' but it was looking like another defeat . The CFJs were in front from a Gareth Bale header and some Luis Suarez near-post trickery but a crazy last couple of minutes saw the points shared. James Milner raced onto a (cliche alert!) defence-splitting throughball to poke home on 89 minutes and then a freakish deflection off Richard Dunne in injury time made it 2-2.

Claymore's strikers have been dishing out pain in hat-trick form over the early weeks of the season but were on the wrong end of one this week. Demba Ba looked quite handy for Final Fantasy last season and he opened his season's account for Ceri with three goals inside the hour.A Barry Bannan penalty pulled one back for Clive and a Bacary Sagna clean made for a nervy few minutes but Final Fantasy hung on. Robin van Persie had been a bit quiet so far this term but scored both goals as the Phoenix beat the Cheese Makers 2-0. Two defeats in a row see Matthew's team down to seventh, Brian is ninth.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Week 5 Results

Trusted's 100% record goes but Beef's team are still two points clear.

Aardvark Abacus 6 v 1 Athletico Phoenix
Claymore Athletic FC 3 v 1 The Cow-Faced Juniors
Mega Buck Bandits 0 v 4 York’s Returning Glory
Real Muppets 1 v 4 The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School 3 v 3 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
The Cheese Makers 2 v 3 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Dead Parrots 2 v 3 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Trusted By Millions 1 v 1 Final Fantasy XI

Trusted not striding off into the distance just yet. Beef's team, ahead early through Titus Bramble, were pegged pack and held by Final Fantasy through Seb Larsson's strike. The point is enough to keep Ceri off the bottom. Two points behind Trusted are our only other unbeaten side, York's. Julian's team put in their best performance of the season and, with a little help from a Tuncay own goal, went on to turn over Mega Bucks 4-0.

The Aardvarks are up to third after a 6-1 beating of Athletico Phoenix. In a year when their historical rivals are not firing could Ady's team get back on the honours board? A settled Luca Modric and a happy Emanuel Adebayor could be big players this season. The Cheese Makers suffered their first defeat of the campaign but made the reigning champions work for it. Franco Di Santo had Matthew ahead but Nani's rocket and Fernando Torres had Fred in front just after the break. Alex Song nudged one past his own keeper to square the match at 2-2 but a Younes Kaboul clean won the points and gets Fred moving in the right direction.

On the subject of own goals the Muppets managed to score two as they fell 4-1 to the Artisans. Jonathan Woodgate and Laurent Koscielny both managed to score at the wrong end to steer Ben towards a third win of the season. Guess who scored for Claymore this week? Did you say Aguero and Rooney? You were right! Those two have 17 between them already this season. Martin Petrov's reply from the spot for Chris was too little, too late.

Yakubu scored twice on debut for the Dead Parrots but finished on the losing side. Mikel Arteta equalised his first goal and then Nil Satis new boy Royston Drenthe struck late to make it 2-2. John O'Shea got the winning clean for Paul to haul him into the top ten. Still no win for Boston Rock this season. Sheriff must have thought he was home and dry at 3-0 up, big summer signing Scott Sinclair opening his account along the way, but San Dimas found three clean sheets from somewhere to grab a point. Boston Rock and the Muppets in the bottom three after five games. Whatever next?

Saturday, 17 September 2011

San Dimas Deal

San Dimas manager Peej has been looking at his squad and found it a little unbalanced and striker-heavy.

Agreement has been reached for Michael Owen to leave the club. Owen joined the club just over a year ago and found the net once.

The departure of the former England striker has freed up a squad space at Tesco Car Park Stadium which was quickly filled by former Real Muppets and Mega Bucks defender David Wheater.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Week 4 Results

Trusted stay stop, the Claymore goal spree continues...

Athletico Phoenix 2 v 1 San Dimas High School
Final Fantasy XI 1 v 2 The Dead Parrots
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 0 v 2 Aardvark Abacus
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 0 v 1 Mega Buck Bandits
The Cow-Faced Juniors 0 v 2 Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans 1 v 2 The Cheese Makers
York’s Returning Glory 2 v 1 Real Muppets
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 2 v 7 Claymore Athletic FC

Despite the international break and various transfer deals we're pretty much where we were at the end of August. Trusted are still top, York's and The Cheese Makers are still unbeaten, Final Fantasy and Boston Rock still winless and Claymore are still banging them in 'for fun'. (Does anyone score for 'disappointment' or 'misery'?)

Most of the games this week were settled by clean sheets. Exceptions being Trusted who got Javier Hernandez back scoring with a brace against the CFJs (Chris's first defeat) and Claymore who again had a hat-trick from Wayne Rooney and Sergio Aguero in their win over an unlucky Boston Rock. Sheriff and Fred, top two last year, have won win between them so far this. Athletico Phoenix, the Parrots, The Cheese Makers and York's all won by notching clean sheets after trailing to goals from their opponents. Mega Bucks and the Aardvarks both picked up wins without conceding.

You might have been able to tip Beef's team as being top after four weeks but Matthew, Julian and Dean filling the next three places? No one would have suggested that.

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Greatest Game?

Trusted's stunning 9-6 win over Claymore in Week 3 has head WSFFL archivists reaching for the record books to see if this is the highest-scoring match in league history.

These same archivists then realised that they don't have all the records and it will be a pain to search through what they've got so they've simply decided that it is.

Here's how this incredible game unfolded.

6 mins 0-1 Jose Bosingwa's raking shot from 25 yards puts Claymore ahead.
15 mins 1-1 Jordan Henderson curls home from inside the box against his former club.
27 mins 2-1 David De Gea dives to his right to make a fine penalty save.
34 mins 3-1 Edin Dzeko volleys home from close range.
41 mins 4-1 Dzeko's clever back-header gives Trusted breathing space.
41 mins 4-2 But not for long as Wayne Rooney finds the top corner from a free-kick.
47 mins 4-3 Tim Howard's turn to save a penalty, diving to his left.
55 mins 5-3 Dzeko completes his hat-trick, steering in from barely a yard.
60 mins 5-4 Sergio Aguero outpaces the Trusted defence and smashes home.
64 mins 5-5 Rooney wrong-foots the keeper from another free-kick.
70 mins 6-5 Ji-Sung Park, who's only been on the pitch one minute, gets in on the act.
82 mins 6-6 Rooney makes no mistake from the penalty spot to complete his hat-trick.
90 mins 7-6 The pick of the goals. Dzeko finds the 'postage stamp' from 20 yards.
90 mins 8-6 A Huth clean sheet means Trusted can relax.
90 mins 9-6 Richard Stearman's clean is the final action of a truly pulsating match.

After the match successful manager Beef said: "I knew I would need a lot of contributions to beat Clive as I now think he now has the strongest first eleven there is in the WSFFL."

Clive was reeling from being involved in such a match: "What an unbelievable game. I'm sure it's got to be a new entry in the record books! And not the first time that TBM have scored nine past me!!!!"

CFJs manager Chris couldn't believe what he'd seen either: "FFS! You can't score 6 & still lose by 3! That's mad! Unlucky Clive."

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Week 3 Results

Aardvark Abacus 1 v 3 The Fabulous Artisans
Athletico Phoenix 3 v 1 You Know Your Boston Rock FC
Mega Buck Bandits 1 v 1 Final Fantasy XI
Real Muppets 0 v 2 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
San Dimas High School 3 v 3 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cheese Makers 0 v 0 York’s Returning Glory
The Dead Parrots 1 v 1 The Cow-Faced Juniors
Trusted By Millions 9 v 6 Claymore Athletic FC

Trusted send a message to the league who must be thinking about dialling 999. Beef's team made it nine points out of nine by sticking nine past week one leaders Claymore who scored six themselves. I think this must be the highest-scoring match in WSFFL history (unless anyone knows different) and probably deserves a report of its own (now there's an idea!). I'll keep it short here by saying that Edin Dzeko scored four for Trusted (his fourth is a thing of beauty if you haven't seen it), Wayne Rooney hit three for Claymore and both teams 'keepers saved penalties. Trusted can safely be called title favourites on this form, Claymore have scored 13 times this season yet find themselves with only three points and a minus goal difference! The Cheese Makers and York's are both still unbeaten as they played out a goalless draw. Both teams probably need more up front (Matthew dropped Franco Di Santo who promptly scored twice for the 'reserves') so a draw suits both teams at this stage of the season.

The Fabulous Artisans are up to third after beating the Aardvarks and adding to the current gloom over the Rosebery Bowl. Ben's team bounced back from last week's defeat to San Dimas led by two exquisitely curled efforts from Ashley Young. The second came a minute after Ady's side had pulled the game back to 1-2 through Ryan Shotton and effectively finished the game off. The CFJs are unbeaten too but thought they had another three points in the bag through Clint Dempsey's header on 88 minutes but an Emerson Boyce clean for the Parrots keeps Dean's team in the top half.

Our reigning champions are still unbeaten too but a second draw sees them four points behind our leaders. Two goals in a second-half minute through Nani and Younes Kaboul put Fred 3-1 up and surely last year's team would have closed this game out but Neil Taylor and Maynor Figueroa got cleans to grab a point for San Dimas. Last year's runners-up have yet to pick up a win and are now bottom. Robin van Persie put Athletico Phoenix ahead from close range on 74 minutes but in the next ten minutes Brian had Carl Jenkinson sent off and saw Frank Lampard equalise for Sheriff from the spot. Boston Rock were unable to break down the ten men and Ivan Klasnic (who has one of the best goals per minute records in the Premier League) swept Brian back in front in injury time and summer signing Phil Neville added a clean to complete the Phoenix' first win of the campaign.

Nil Satis were also first-time winners and also left it late. Mikel Arteta struck from the spot as the game drew to a close and John O'Shea doubled the advantage with a clean. Real Muppets have made a stuttering start too. There will be a few teams looking at the September transfer list and wondering how they can improve their squad. We'll end with the Okus Derby which finished level. Mega Bucks struck through Charlie Adam early in the second half but the sending off of 'keeper John Ruddy gave Ceri the advantage for the last ten minutes and an Angel Rangel clean meant it's honours even in the Bevan household for a while at least.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Week 2 Results

Two wins out of two for Trusted and the Cheese Makers.

Week one rearranged fixture

Aardvark Abacus 2 v 0 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

A dreary season-opener for these two enlivened by ten second half minutes which saw Aardvark debutant Emmanuel Frimpong sent off and then the only goal of the game. A Nil Satis clearance hit Aaron Ramsey and looped into his own goal. Phil Jagielka picked up a clean to give the ten men the win. Paul has seen his chairman to say he might not make the top ten this year.

League Week 2

Claymore Athletic FC 1 v 4 The Dead Parrots
Final Fantasy XI 2 v 3 Real Muppets
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 2 v 1 Athletico Phoenix
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 0 v 3 The Cheese Makers
The Cow-Faced Juniors 3 v 3 Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans 0 v 3 San Dimas High School
York’s Returning Glory 0 v 0 Aardvark Abacus
You Know Your Boston Rock FC 1 v 3 Trusted By Millions

An Apology: Last week you may have got the impression that Claymore were going to run away with the league on the back of goal sensations Rooney and Aguero this season. The co-ordinator would like to apologise if last week's report was interpreted by anyone in that way but can not be held responsible for any embarrassment or losses that may have caused. The biggest embarrassing loss was Clive's who trailed to goals from Gareth Barry (Ray Wilkins said he hit his shot with a bit of 'swazz') and Kevin Davies. That man Rooney pulled one back but Dean's team weren't finished with Kenwyne Jones adding a goal and Emerson Boyce a clean to put a one-sided look on the score. Our new leaders are Trusted who scored goals either side of half time from Kevin Doyle and Edin Dzeko to get a foothold in their game against Boston Rock. Sheriff was given hope by Darren Bent midway through the second half but Jamie Carragher's clean was the clincher for Beef.

Matthew's Cheese Makers are up to second after adding to Nil Satis' woes. Another Aaron Ramsey own goal (!) and cleans from Tim Krul and Danny Simpson proving far too good for Paul's struggling team. If the new boys in second is a surprise how about the start by York's? Julian's team picked up a goalless draw with Aardvark Abacus who struggled with the two games in a week commitment.

A topsy-turvy six-goal thriller ended with the CFJs and Mega Bucks sharing the spoils. Chris led three times, including a 90th-minute goal from Luis Suarez but Dave levelled each time through Matt Jarvis, a John Ruddy saved penalty and finally an Antolin Alcaraz clean. Defending champions Fred picked up their first win when edging out Athletico Phoenix. Danny Welbeck scored what proved to be the winner on the hour with a glanced header past Brad Friedel. Ben Watson had a chance to level the match from the spot 12 minutes later but couldn't convert.

The Fabulous Artisans were an up and down team last season and it looks like Ben hasn't found the answer to that in the summer. His team surrendered meekly to San Dimas who picked up their first win thanks to three clean sheets. The Muppets also notched their first victory of the season with late goals from Anderson and Florent Malouda giving him a 3-1 lead and rendering a clean from Gary Caldwell scant consolation for Ceri.