Sunday, 27 July 2014

2014/15 Provisional Fixture List

Subject to change of course but here's how our season maps out.

Biggest change is around the festive period. This season the Charity Shield Final will take place on Boxing Day with the Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy Final moving form that spot to New Year's Day.

League Week 1: W/C 16 August 2014
Athletico Phoenix v Aardvark Abacus
Cheese Makers v YTFIB
FCK2 v Trusted By Millions
Final Fantasy XI v Mega Buck Bandits
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Claymore Athletic FC
Real Muppets v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Fabulous Artisans v The Dead Parrots

League Week 2: W/C 23 August 2014
Claymore Athletic FC v Athletico Phoenix
Final Fantasy XI v Real Muppets
Mega Buck Bandits v Aardvark Abacus

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Cheese Makers

The Dead Parrots v San Dimas High School

Trusted By Millions v The Fabulous Artisans


League Week 3:
W/C 30 August 2014
Aardvark Abacus v Claymore Athletic FC
Athletico Phoenix v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Cheese Makers v Final Fantasy XI

FCK2 v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Dead Parrots 

Real Muppets v Mega Buck Bandits

San Dimas High School v Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans v YTFIB

W/C 13 September: WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup First Round
League Week 4: W/C 20 September 2014
Final Fantasy XI v FCK2

Mega Buck Bandits v Claymore Athletic FC

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Aardvark Abacus

Real Muppets v Cheese Makers
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Fabulous Artisans

The Dead Parrots v Athletico Phoenix

Trusted By Millions v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

YTFIB v San Dimas High School

League Week 5: W/C 27 September 2014
Aardvark Abacus v The Dead Parrots

Athletico Phoenix v Trusted By Millions

Cheese Makers v Mega Buck Bandits

Claymore Athletic FC v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
FCK2 v Real Muppets

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v YTFIB

San Dimas High School v The Cow-Faced Juniors

The Fabulous Artisans v Final Fantasy XI

League Week 6: W/C 4 October 2014
Cheese Makers v FCK2
Final Fantasy XI v San Dimas High School

Mega Buck Bandits v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Real Muppets v The Fabulous Artisans

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

The Dead Parrots v Claymore Athletic FC

Trusted By Millions v Aardvark Abacus

YTFIB v Athletico Phoenix

League Week 7: W/C 18 October 2014
Aardvark Abacus v YTFIB

Athletico Phoenix v The Cow-Faced Juniors

Claymore Athletic FC v Trusted By Millions
FCK2 v Mega Buck Bandits

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Final Fantasy XI
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Dead Parrots

San Dimas High School v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v Cheese Makers

W/C 25 October:
WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup and Charity Shield Quarter Finals

League Week 8: W/C 1 November 2014
Cheese Makers v San Dimas High School

FCK2 v The Fabulous Artisans
Final Fantasy XI v Athletico Phoenix

Mega Buck Bandits v The Dead Parrots

Real Muppets v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Aardvark Abacus

Trusted By Millions v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

YTFIB v Claymore Athletic FC

League Week 9: W/C 8 November 2014
Aardvark Abacus v Final Fantasy XI

Athletico Phoenix v Real Muppets

Claymore Athletic FC v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Cheese Makers

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v YTFIB

San Dimas High School v FCK2

The Dead Parrots v Trusted By Millions

The Fabulous Artisans v Mega Buck Bandits

League Week 10:
W/C 22 November 2014
Cheese Makers v Athletico Phoenix

FCK2 v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Final Fantasy XI v Claymore Athletic FC

Mega Buck Bandits v Trusted By Millions

Real Muppets v Aardvark Abacus
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

The Fabulous Artisans v San Dimas High School
YTFIB v The Dead Parrots

League Week 11: W/C 29 November 2014
Aardvark Abacus v Cheese Makers
Athletico Phoenix v FCK2

Claymore Athletic FC v Real Muppets

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Fabulous Artisans
 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Final Fantasy XI

San Dimas High School v Mega Buck Bandits

The Dead Parrots v The Cow-Faced Juniors

Trusted By Millions v YTFIB

Midweek 2&3 December:
WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup and Charity Shield Semi Finals

League Week 12: W/C 6 December 2014

Cheese Makers v Claymore Athletic FC

FCK2 v Aardvark Abacus

Mega Buck Bandits v YTFIB

Final Fantasy XI v The Dead Parrots

Real Muppets v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

San Dimas High School v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Trusted By Millions

The Fabulous Artisans v Athletico Phoenix

League Week 13: W/C 13 December 2014
Aardvark Abacus v The Fabulous Artisans

Athletico Phoenix v San Dimas High School

Claymore Athletic FC v FCK2

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Mega Buck Bandits

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Cheese Makers

The Dead Parrots v Real Muppets

Trusted By Millions v Final Fantasy XI

YTFIB v The Cow-Faced Juniors

League Week 14: W/C 20 December 2014
Cheese Makers v The Dead Parrots

FCK2 v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Final Fantasy XI v YTFIB

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Athletico Phoenix
Mega Buck Bandits v The Cow-Faced Juniors

Real Muppets v Trusted By Millions

San Dimas High School v Aardvark Abacus

The Fabulous Artisans v Claymore Athletic FC

26 December; Charity Shield Final

League Week 15: W/C 28 December 2014
Aardvark Abacus v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

Athletico Phoenix v Mega Buck Bandits

Claymore Athletic FC v San Dimas High School

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Fabulous Artisans

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Final Fantasy XI
The Dead Parrots v FCK2

Trusted By Millions v Cheese Makers

YTFIB v Real Muppets

1 January 2015; WSFFL Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup Final
W/C 3 January 2015: WSFFL FA Cup First Round
League Week 16 (Reverse week 12): W/C 10 January 2015
Aardvark Abacus v FCK2

Athletico Phoenix v The Fabulous Artisans

Claymore Athletic FC v Cheese Makers

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v San Dimas High School
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Real Muppets

The Dead Parrots v Final Fantasy XI

Trusted By Millions v The Cow-Faced Juniors

YTFIB v Mega Buck Bandits

League Week 17 (Reverse week 13): W/C 17 January 2015
Cheese Makers v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
FCK2 v Claymore Athletic FC

Final Fantasy XI v Trusted By Millions

Mega Buck Bandits v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

Real Muppets v The Dead Parrots
San Dimas High School v Athletico Phoenix

The Cow-Faced Juniors v YTFIB
The Fabulous Artisans v Aardvark Abacus

League Week 18 (Reverse week 10): 31 January 2015
Aardvark Abacus v Real Muppets

Athletico Phoenix v Cheese Makers

Claymore Athletic FC v Final Fantasy XI

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v FCK2

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Cow-Faced Juniors

San Dimas High School v The Fabulous Artisans
The Dead Parrots v YTFIB

Trusted By Millions v Mega Buck Bandits

League Week 19 (Reverse week 3): W/C 7 February 2015
Claymore Athletic FC v Aardvark Abacus
Final Fantasy XI v Cheese Makers

Mega Buck Bandits v Real Muppets

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Athletico Phoenix

The Cow-Faced Juniors v FCK2

The Dead Parrots v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
 Trusted By Millions v San Dimas High School

YTFIB v The Fabulous Artisans

Midweek 10/11 February: WSFFL FA Cup Quarter Finals

League Week 20 (Reverse week 15): w/c 21 February 2015
Cheese Makers v Trusted By Millions
FCK2 v The Dead Parrots

Final Fantasy XI v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Aardvark Abacus

Mega Buck Bandits v Athletico Phoenix

Real Muppets v YTFIB

San Dimas High School v Claymore Athletic FC

The Fabulous Artisans v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

League Week 21 (Reverse week 8): W/C 28 February 2015
Aardvark Abacus v The Cow-Faced Juniors

Athletico Phoenix v Final Fantasy XI

Claymore Athletic FC v YTFIB

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Real Muppets

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Trusted By Millions

San Dimas High School v Cheese Makers

The Dead Parrots v Mega Buck Bandits

The Fabulous Artisans v FCK2

Midweek 3/4 March: WSFFL FA Cup Semi Finals

League Week 22 (Reverse week 9): W/C 14 March 2015
Cheese Makers v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

FCK2 v San Dimas High School

Final Fantasy XI v Aardvark Abacus

Mega Buck Bandits v The Fabulous Artisans

Real Muppets v Athletico Phoenix

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Claymore Athletic FC

Trusted By Millions v The Dead Parrots
YTFIB v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

League Week 23 (Reverse week 4): W/C 21 March 2015
Aardvark Abacus v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Athletico Phoenix v The Dead Parrots
Cheese Makers v Real Muppets
Claymore Athletic FC v Mega Buck Bandits

FCK2 v Final Fantasy XI

Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Trusted By Millions

San Dimas High School v YTFIB

The Fabulous Artisans v The Cow-Faced Juniors

League Week 24 (Reverse week 5): W/C 4 April 2015
Final Fantasy XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Mega Buck Bandits v Cheese Makers

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Claymore Athletic FC
Real Muppets v FCK2

The Cow-Faced Juniors v San Dimas High School

The Dead Parrots v Aardvark Abacus

Trusted By Millions v Athletico Phoenix

YTFIB v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

League Week 25 (Reverse week 6): W/C 11 April 2015
Aardvark Abacus v Trusted By Millions

Athletico Phoenix v YTFIB

Claymore Athletic FC v The Dead Parrots

FCK2 v Cheese Makers
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Cow-Faced Juniors

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Mega Buck Bandits

San Dimas High School v Final Fantasy XI

The Fabulous Artisans v Real Muppets

League Week 26 (Reverse week 7): W/C 18 April 2015
Cheese Makers v The Fabulous Artisans

Final Fantasy XI v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

Mega Buck Bandits v FCK2

Real Muppets v San Dimas High School

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Athletico Phoenix

The Dead Parrots v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Trusted By Millions v Claymore Athletic FC

YTFIB v Aardvark Abacus

League Week 27 (Reverse week 1): W/C 25 April 2015
Aardvark Abacus v Athletico Phoenix
Claymore Athletic FC v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

Mega Buck Bandits v Final Fantasy XI

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Real Muppets

The Dead Parrots v The Fabulous Artisans

Trusted By Millions v FCK2

YTFIB v Cheese Makers

W/C 2 May:
WSFFL FA Cup Final
League Week 28 (Reverse week 2): W/C 26 April 2014
Aardvark Abacus v Mega Buck Bandits

Athletico Phoenix v Claymore Athletic FC

Cheese Makers v The Cow-Faced Juniors


Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Real Muppets v Final Fantasy XI
San Dimas High School v The Dead Parrots

The Fabulous Artisans v Trusted By Millions

League Week 29 (Reverse week 11): W/C 16 May 2015
Cheese Makers v Aardvark Abacus

FCK2 v Athletico Phoenix

Final Fantasy XI v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

Mega Buck Bandits v San Dimas High School

Real Muppets v Claymore Athletic FC

The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Dead Parrots

The Fabulous Artisans v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

YTFIB v Trusted By Millions
League Week 30 (Reverse week 14): W/C 23 May 2014
Aardvark Abacus v San Dimas High School

Athletico Phoenix v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Claymore Athletic FC v The Fabulous Artisans

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v FCK2

The Cow-Faced Juniors v Mega Buck Bandits

The Dead Parrots v Cheese Makers

Trusted By Millions v Real Muppets

YTFIB v Final Fantasy XI

Saturday, 26 July 2014

2014/15 Opening Day fixtures revealed

The 2014/15 WSFFL season is a step closer following the announcement of the opening day fixtures on 16 August.

Athletico Phoenix v Aardvark Abacus
Cheese Makers v YTFIB
FCK2 v Trusted By Millions
Final Fantasy XI v Mega Buck Bandits
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Claymore Athletic FC
Real Muppets v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Fabulous Artisans v The Dead Parrots

A tricky trip to Furze Fields for the defending champions, an early statement of household supremacy in the Okus Derby and an intriguing test for Fred to see if his level of improvement can continue into this campaign.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The 2013/14 'Value for Money' Table

In the last of the 2013/14 round-up pieces, who got most for the wage money*...

Team P Pts Wage Bill(£m) Pts per £m
1 YTFIB 30 30 1.84725 16.240
2 Final Fantasy XI 30 39 2.50875 15.546
3 The Fabulous Artisans 30 39 2.658 14.673
4 San Dimas High School 30 47 3.4155 13.761
5 Mega Buck Bandits 30 34 2.50875 13.553
6 Cheese Makers 30 43 4.149 10.364
7 Claymore Athletic FC 30 55 5.6805 9.682
8 Trusted By Millions 30 59 6.2781 9.398
9 Nil Satis Nisi Optimum 30 30 3.4074 8.804
10 The Cow-Faced Juniors 30 53 6.373125 8.316
11 FCK2 30 34 4.0995 8.294
12 Athletico Phoenix 30 33 4.12875 7.993
13 Aardvark Abacus 30 49 6.3855 7.674
14 Real Muppets 30 48 6.2835 7.639
15 The Dead Parrots 30 31 4.4505 6.966
16 Fred West Landscape Gardening XI 30 42 8.89875 4.720

The team that propped up the league, YTFIB, come out top of this one. Julian will be pleased to win something! Ceri picked up a cup with the joint second-lowest wage bill while the 'terribly unlucky' Artisans are third.

The league winners, Trusted, finish eighth and sit in the mid-table with many of the big hitters.

Bottom of the pile are Fred who spent more on wages last season than three teams spent on transfers and whose 8.89m is bigger than YTFIB's most expensive signing.

*If my sums are right - they'll be close anyway.