Sunday, 23 July 2017

2017/18 Fixture List

2017/18 WSFFL Fixture List*

League Week 1: W/C 12 August 2017
Aardvark Abacus v The Fabulous Artisans
Cheese Makers v The Cow-Faced Juniors
FCK2 v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Trusted By Millions
Mega Buck Bandits v Wheel Madrid
San Dimas High School v Athletico Phoenix
The Wateringhole Society v Real Muppets
YTFIB v Claymore Athletic FC

League Week 2: W/C 19 August 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Cheese Makers
Claymore Athletic FC v San Dimas High School
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v YTFIB
Real Muppets v FCK2
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Mega Buck Bandits
The Fabulous Artisans v Athletico Phoenix
Trusted By Millions v The Wateringhole Society
Wheel Madrid v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

League Week 3: W/C 26 August 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Claymore Athletic FC
Cheese Makers v The Fabulous Artisans
FCK2 v Trusted By Millions
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Mega Buck Bandits v Aardvark Abacus
San Dimas High School v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Wateringhole Society v Wheel Madrid
YTFIB v Real Muppets

League Week 4: W/C 9 September 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Cheese Makers v Mega Buck Bandits
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Athletico Phoenix
Real Muppets v San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Wateringhole Society
The Fabulous Artisans v Claymore Athletic FC
Trusted By Millions v YTFIB
Wheel Madrid v Markian United

W/C 16 September: Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup First Round
League Week 5: W/C 23 September 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Real Muppets
Claymore Athletic FC v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Markian United v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Cheese Makers
Mega Buck Bandits v The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School v Trusted By Millions
The Wateringhole Society v Aardvark Abacus
YTFIB v Wheel Madrid

League Week 6: W/C 30 September 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Markian United
Cheese Makers v The Wateringhole Society
Mega Buck Bandits v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Real Muppets v Claymore Athletic FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors v YTFIB
The Fabulous Artisans v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Trusted By Millions v Athletico Phoenix
Wheel Madrid v San Dimas High School

League Week 7: W/C 14 October 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Wheel Madrid
Claymore Athletic FC v Trusted By Millions
Markian United v Cheese Makers
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Fabulous Artisans
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Real Muppets
San Dimas High School v The Cow-Faced Juniors
The Wateringhole Society v Mega Buck Bandits
YTFIB v Aardvark Abacus

League Week 8: W/C 21 October 2017
Aardvark Abacus v San Dimas High School
Cheese Makers v YTFIB
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v The Wateringhole Society
Mega Buck Bandits v Markian United
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Athletico Phoenix
The Fabulous Artisans v Real Muppets
Trusted By Millions v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Wheel Madrid v Claymore Athletic FC

League Week 9: W/C 28 October 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Aardvark Abacus
Claymore Athletic FC v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Markian United v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Wheel Madrid
Real Muppets v Trusted By Millions
The Wateringhole Society v The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School v Cheese Makers
YTFIB v Mega Buck Bandits

W/C 4 November: Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup and Charity Shield Quarter Finals

League Week 10: W/C 18 November 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Claymore Athletic FC
Cheese Makers v Athletico Phoenix
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v YTFIB
Mega Buck Bandits v San Dimas High School
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Fabulous Artisans v Trusted By Millions
The Wateringhole Society v Markian United
Wheel Madrid v Real Muppets

League Week 11: W/C 25 November 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Mega Buck Bandits
Claymore Athletic FC v Cheese Makers
Markian United v The Fabulous Artisans
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Aardvark Abacus
Real Muppets v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Trusted By Millions v Wheel Madrid
YTFIB v The Wateringhole Society

League Week 12: Midweek 28 & 29 November 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Real Muppets
Cheese Makers v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Markian United v YTFIB
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Athletico Phoenix
Mega Buck Bandits v Claymore Athletic FC
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans v Wheel Madrid
The Wateringhole Society v San Dimas High School

League Week 13: W/C 2 December 2017
Athletico Phoenix v The Wateringhole Society
Claymore Athletic FC v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Mega Buck Bandits
Real Muppets v Cheese Makers
San Dimas High School v Markian United
Trusted By Millions v Aardvark Abacus
Wheel Madrid v The Cow-Faced Juniors
YTFIB v The Fabulous Artisans

League Week 14: W/C 9 December 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Wheel Madrid
Cheese Makers v Trusted By Millions
Markian United v Athletico Phoenix
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Mega Buck Bandits v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v The Cow-Faced Juniors
The Wateringhole Society v Claymore Athletic FC
YTFIB v San Dimas High School

Midweek 12/13 December: Paul Cartmell Memorial Cup and Charity Shield Semi Finals

League Week 15: W/C 16 December 2017
Athletico Phoenix v YTFIB
Claymore Athletic FC v Markian United
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Wateringhole Society
Real Muppets v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
San Dimas High School v The Fabulous Artisans
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Aardvark Abacus
Trusted By Millions v Mega Buck Bandits
Wheel Madrid v Cheese Makers

League Week 16 (reverse week 12): 23 December 2017
Athletico Phoenix v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Claymore Athletic FC v Mega Buck Bandits
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Cheese Makers
Real Muppets v Aardvark Abacus
San Dimas High School v The Wateringhole Society
Trusted By Millions v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Wheel Madrid v The Fabulous Artisans
Markian United

Charity Shield Final: 26 December 2017

League Week 17 (Reverse week 13): W/C 21 January 2017
Aardvark Abacus v Trusted By Millions
Cheese Makers v Real Muppets
Markian United v San Dimas High School
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Claymore Athletic FC
Mega Buck Bandits v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Wheel Madrid
The Fabulous Artisans v YTFIB
The Wateringhole Society v Athletico Phoenix

Paul Cartmell Memorial Trophy Final: 1 January 2018

FA Cup 1at Round: 6 January 2018

League Week 18 (Reverse week 10): W/C 13 January 2018
Athletico Phoenix v Cheese Makers
Claymore Athletic FC v Aardvark Abacus
Markian United v The Wateringhole Society
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Real Muppets v Wheel Madrid
San Dimas High School v Mega Buck Bandits
Trusted By Millions v The Fabulous Artisans
YTFIB v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI

League Week 19 (Reverse week 3): W/C 20 January 2018
Aardvark Abacus v Mega Buck Bandits
Claymore Athletic FC v Athletico Phoenix
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v San Dimas High School
Real Muppets v YTFIB
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
The Fabulous Artisans v Cheese Makers
Trusted By Millions v Markian United
Wheel Madrid v The Wateringhole Society

League Week 20 (Reverse week 15): Midweek 30/31 January 2018
Aardvark Abacus v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Cheese Makers v Wheel Madrid
Markian United v Claymore Athletic FC
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Real Muppets
Mega Buck Bandits v Trusted By Millions
The Fabulous Artisans v San Dimas High School
The Wateringhole Society v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
YTFIB v Athletico Phoenix

League Week 21 (Reverse week 8): W/C 3 February 2018
Athletico Phoenix v The Cow-Faced Juniors
Claymore Athletic FC v Wheel Madrid
Markian United v Mega Buck Bandits
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Trusted By Millions
Real Muppets v The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School v Aardvark Abacus
The Wateringhole Society v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
YTFIB v Cheese Makers

W/C 10 February: FA Cup Quarter Finals

League Week 22 (Reverse week 9): W/C 24 February 2018
Aardvark Abacus v Athletico Phoenix
Cheese Makers v San Dimas High School
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Markian United
Mega Buck Bandits v YTFIB
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Claymore Athletic FC
The Fabulous Artisans v The Wateringhole Society
Trusted By Millions v Real Muppets
Wheel Madrid v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

League Week 23 (Reverse week 4): W/C 3 March 2018
Athletico Phoenix v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Claymore Athletic FC v The Fabulous Artisans
Markian United v Wheel Madrid
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Aardvark Abacus
Mega Buck Bandits v Cheese Makers
San Dimas High School v Real Muppets
The Wateringhole Society v The Cow-Faced Juniors
YTFIB v Trusted By Millions

League Week 24 (Reverse week 5): W/C 10 March 2018
Aardvark Abacus v The Wateringhole Society
Cheese Makers v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Claymore Athletic FC
Real Muppets v Athletico Phoenix
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Markian United
The Fabulous Artisans v Mega Buck Bandits
Trusted By Millions v San Dimas High School
Wheel Madrid v YTFIB

W/C 17 March: FA Cup Semi Finals

League Week 25 (Reverse week 6): W/C 31 March 2018
Athletico Phoenix v Trusted By Millions
Claymore Athletic FC v Real Muppets
Markian United v Aardvark Abacus
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Mega Buck Bandits
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v The Fabulous Artisans
San Dimas High School v Wheel Madrid
The Wateringhole Society v Cheese Makers
YTFIB v The Cow-Faced Juniors

League Week 26 (Reverse week 7): W/C 7 April 2018
Aardvark Abacus v YTFIB
Cheese Makers v Markian United
Mega Buck Bandits v The Wateringhole Society
Real Muppets v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
The Cow-Faced Juniors v San Dimas High School
The Fabulous Artisans v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Trusted By Millions v Claymore Athletic FC
Wheel Madrid v Athletico Phoenix

League Week 27 (Reverse week 1): W/C 14 April 2018
Athletico Phoenix v San Dimas High School
Claymore Athletic FC v YTFIB
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Markian United
Real Muppets v The Wateringhole Society
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Cheese Makers
The Fabulous Artisans v Aardvark Abacus
Trusted By Millions v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Wheel Madrid v Mega Buck Bandits

W/C 21 April: FA Cup Final

League Week 28 (Reverse week 2): W/C 28 April 2018
Athletico Phoenix v The Fabulous Artisans
Cheese Makers v Aardvark Abacus
Markian United v Real Muppets
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Wheel Madrid
Mega Buck Bandits v The Cow-Faced Juniors
San Dimas High School v Claymore Athletic FC
The Wateringhole Society v Trusted By Millions
YTFIB v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

League Week 29 (Reverse week 11): W/C 5 May 2018
Aardvark Abacus v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Cheese Makers v Claymore Athletic FC
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v San Dimas High School
Mega Buck Bandits v Athletico Phoenix
The Cow-Faced Juniors v Real Muppets
The Fabulous Artisans v Markian United
The Wateringhole Society v YTFIB
Wheel Madrid v Trusted By Millions

League Week 30 (Reverse week 14): W/C 13 May 2018
Athletico Phoenix v Markian United
Claymore Athletic FC v The Wateringhole Society
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum v Fred West Landscape Gardening XI
Real Muppets v Mega Buck Bandits
San Dimas High School v YTFIB
The Cow-Faced Juniors v The Fabulous Artisans
Trusted By Millions v Cheese Makers
Wheel Madrid v Aardvark Abacus

*Yep, it’s subject to change but then you knew that.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

2017/18 - Opening Day fixtures announced

The fixture computer has crunched the data and thrown up these opening day games…

Aardvark Abacus v The Fabulous Artisans
Cheese Makers v The Cow-Faced Juniors
FCK2 v Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Fred West Landscape Gardening XI v Trusted By Millions
Mega Buck Bandits v Wheel Madrid
San Dimas High School v Athletico Phoenix
The Wateringhole Society v Real Muppets
YTFIB v Claymore Athletic FC

An interesting start for the champions, at home against Trusted.

The full fixture list will be uploaded in due course.