Saturday, 25 May 2024

2023/24 Co-Ord Round-up Part Two - The 'counters' tables

Here's the table if that was all that mattered in the game was positive 'counters'. Don't worry it won't be. (Well, not on my watch!)

1. Aardvark Abacus - 125 (same place as real table, 42 more counters than last year)
2. Trusted By Millions - 118 (two places higher, 22 more)
3. The Wateringhole Society - 96 (two places higher, 19 fewer)
4. The Fabulous Artisans - 95 (two places higher, 11 fewer)
=5. The Cow-Faced Juniors - 92 (two places lower, 16 fewer)
=5. San Dimas High School - 92 (four places higher, 11 more)
7. Real Muppets - 86 (three places higher, one fewer)
=8. Claymore Athletic FC - 81 (one place lower, 11 more)
=8. Markian United - 81 (same place, 15 fewer)
10. Stanley and Gracie United - 78 (four places lower, one fewer)
11. Fred West LG XI - 74 (two places higher, 41 fewer)
12. Mega Buck Bandits - 73 (one place lower, 11 more)
13. Cheese Makers - 70 (one place lower, five fewer)
14. Wheel Madrid - 62 (same place, 17 more)
15. YTFIB - 53 (one place higher, 15 fewer)
16. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum - 46 (one place lower, six fewer)

Big jumps in counters for the Aardvarks, Trusted and, lower down, Wheel Madrid. Going in the other direction are the Wateringhole and the CFJs.

The average is just below 83.

Counters against plays a part in deciding the league - how did that list shake out and can you feel hard done by?

1. Claymore Athletic FC - 69
2. The Fabulous Artisans - 71
3. Aardvark Abacus - 72
4. Stanley and Gracie United - 73
5. Mega Buck Bandits - 80
=6. The Cow-Faced Juniors - 81
=6. Cheese Makers - 81
=8. Real Muppets - 82
=8. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum - 82
=10. Trusted By Millions - 84
=10. San Dimas High School - 84
12. The Wateringhole Society - 85
13. Fred West LG XI - 87
14. Markian United - 92
15. Wheel Madrid - 95
16. YTFIB - 104

The top four getting off lightly here, the bottom three can feel a bit hard done by.

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